Associate Professor in Museology and History of Art Criticism, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università Roma Tre, Italie.

Chercheuse invitée à l'INHA en 2018.

giovanna.capitelli @


Specialized in the History of the seventeenth and the nineteenth century Art in Europe and in the Americas, in Social Art History, Artistic Geography, History of Collections and Museums, she has got her diploma di Specializzazione at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (1996), Ph.D. at the University Roma Tre (2000). She was a Dutch Nuffic Fellow at the University of Leiden (1994), Lecturer (2001) and Associate Professor in History of Early Modern Art (2004) at the University of Calabria, fellow of the Accademia dei Lincei-Royal Academy (2003), Leverhulme Visiting Professor at the University of Durham, UK (2012), Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Kazan (RU, 2014), invited researcher at the INHA, Institute National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris to investigate the Fesch collection (2018), project leader CUIA (Consorzio Universitario Italia Argentina, 2020). She is a member of the International Ph.D. board at the University of Roma Tre, of the Center for Visual Arts and Cultures and of the Steering Commitee of the Zurbarán Center for Spanish and Latin American Art at the University of Durham. She is member of the scientific committees of the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome (MIBACT, 2017-2021), and of the Museo Nacional de Arte MUNAL, Mexico City, and member and of the Editorial Boards of the scientific journals: “Riasa. Rivista dell'Istituto nazionale d'archeologia e storia dell'arte”, (Fabrizio Serra, Rome), "Studi di storia dell’arte" (Ediarte, Todi, PG), "Archivum Historiae Pontificiae" (Gregoriana University, Rome).

Among her most recent publications:

Capitale e Crocevia. Il mercato dell’arte nella Roma sabauda, edited by Giovanna Capitelli and Andrea Bacchi, Bologna, Fondazione Federico Zeri, Silvana, 2020 ; Dizionario portatile delle arti a Roma in età moderna, edited by Giovanna Capitelli, Carla Mazzarelli, Serenella Rolfi Ožvald, Roma, Campisano Editore, 2019; Lettere d’artista. Corrispondenze tra Roma e l’Europa dall’età dei Lumi alla Restaurazione, edited by Giovanna Capitelli e Serenella Rolfi Ožvald, «Ricerche di storia dell’arte», 125, 2018; Johann Martin von Rohden and his Nazarene Circle, Carlo Virgilio & Co, Roma 2016.