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Doctoral Research : Samuel H. Kress Foundation Grant
Description du projet
Under the auspices of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, INHA awards an annual doctoral research grant for a two-year stay in Paris.
Application Requirements
The application must include:
- A CV
- A presentation of the thesis project
- An annotated bibliography
- 3 letters of recommendation. For more details on the application, visit the Samuel H. Kress Foundation website.
The 2024 jury selected the application of May Peterson, doctoral student at the University of Chicago, for her thesis project “Representing Body and Soul: Anthropomorphic Figuration in Early Medieval Art (450-750).”
And placed on the waitlist:
- Ekaterina Koposova
- Louis Loftus.
The 2023 jury selected the application of Carlo Berardi, doctoral student at the University of Michigan, for his project “Translating Chivalry: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Warfare in the Age of the Komnenoi.”
And placed Delanie Linden, doctoral student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for her thesis project “Other Colors: Chroma, Chemistry, & the Orient in 19th-century French Painting” on the waitlist.
2022-2024 The 2022 jury selected the application of Taylor Van Doorne, doctoral student at the University of California Santa Barbara, for his research project “Ephemeral Monuments, the Modern French State, and the Parisian Public, 1789-1848.”